Online book club to learn English or any other language

Finally, it seems that I have found my digital book club. It has been quite a challenge to find a suitable book club. For me, it is important to be in a positive learner friendly environment in which I feel at ease and konsequently am able to share my thoughts about the book. Because only that way I feel like I am able to improve in my target language.

With this post, I want to share my experience and tips on that matter.

These explanations are meant to guide you or give you an idea on how to tackle the endeavor of joining or creating a book club. There is no right or wrong.

The Task. Set yourself goals

When it comes to choosing the right book, there are many things to consider.

Remember: It has to be challenging and at the same time it has to be realistic as well. According to the level of the group, a suitable book should be chosen. Not too difficult but also not too easy.

The group should define how many pages until the next seesion should be read. Remember. This is not a marathon. Levels among the group might vary. That makes it important to struck a balance between the different level.

The reading

Take notes while reading and highlight any interesting quotes that resonate with you that can be discussed further with your group.

Personally, I use the kindle and therefore, I put a lot of reading marks while reading and of course, I highlight a lot of word chunks which I want to remember or work on on a later. Priority 1 is to understand the book – not every single word. Try not to focus on too many vocabulary words that you don’t understand. You should be able to understand the gist (the overall) of the book.

If you are reading with a kindle, switch the “Word Wise” feature on.

Supporting tools/websites

There are many tools these days.

A powerful tool, which can be used as a collaborative tool is Google docs. You may set up different chapters such as Vocabulary lists, questions, things you liked about the read pages and so on.

The role of the leader/guide

As a leader you might ask questions and lead the session. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean other participants can’t contribute with questions and the like. Try to ask open questons opposed to closed questions. There should be a discussion on going.

Keep the participants engaged by publishing relevant posts, asking them questions beforehand, giving them tasks to fulfil til the next session. Also, try to inspire them.

Some last words

The most important thing is to have fun and converse with other like-mindes people.

Don’t forget to enjoy the process of learning. Don’t focus too much on vocabulary. Of course you can but the thing about a book club is to exchange ideas within the group.

Other resources

Virtual Book Clubs: How to Host a Fun & Engaging Online Reading Group | Observer

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