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#1 – I can’t get enough

download Transcript: I can’t get enough. This is the expression I want to cover in this vocab episode of mine. In fact, I can’t get enough of podcasting. That’s why I’ve set up this new section. I am the vocab-man Daniel Goodson. If you like something very much and want a lot of it then

E16- interview with Kris Broholm

download go further down for the transcript Some info about Kris on : The mission: 10 languages in 10 years I’m currently proficient in English, Danish, German, and can understand and converse in limited fashion with Esperanto, Russian, and Hungarian. My current goal is to learn Hungarian as well as bring up my weaker

E14 – I am a bit rambling

download In this episode, I want to see if I am able to just speak about anything that comes more or less into my mind. Can I maintain an easy speech? I started out back in April. I most of the part used transcripts to help me through an episode. This time – it is

E13- interview with Guillaume – talk2learn / chatcast / Guillaume’s English podcast

Download Show notes Websites: Guillaume’s English podcast Chatcast Podcasts Guillaume recommends to learn English with: Luke’s English podcast Zdenek’s English Podcast Podcasts hosted on Guillaume’s website Learning With Myself (José from Chile) Chriss English Podcast (Chris from Mexico) Transcript This is a very special moment to me. In this episode, I am joined