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23 – Antifa meaning and definition – Podcast

What is Antifa? Full Transcript of the podcast: Antifa or Antifa, depending where you live in this country, the anti-fascist who go mask into demonstrations, why are they masked? They do not want to be identified. Antifa has always been a buzzword. In the media, a buzzword is a word or phrase that becomes very

65 – How do I speak clearly?

Full transcript bellow: Something to realize is that you don’t have to speak. Perfectly. Now some people, you know your, your speech, maybe it’s so bad that you can’t be understood very well. So when you’re talking, everyone has something like this and you know, people are just trying to hear what you’re saying is,

#22 – Having said that

Listen to “#22 – Having said that” on Spreaker. The meaning (in short) “Having said that” is a transitional phrase that has become more and more common in spoken language. When people say, “Having said that” it is a signal that they are going to say something which will contrast or disagree with what they

#21 – I have lost my train of thought (idiom)

Functional Language

Functional Language to buy you time Full Transcript On this episode of fluent vocabulary, we focus on a bunch of phrases and the expression “I’ve lost my train of though”. Just stands there, representative for functional expressions that buy you time. So if you don’t know exactly what you should say, and maybe you just

The English journey is the destination

You’ll find all of the episodes here: Pictures–Catspoele_Natuurgebied_van_It_Fryske_Gea._Omgeving_van_het_heideveld_034.jpg/1024px-Delleboersterheide–_Catspoele_Natuurgebied_van_It_Fryske_Gea._Omgeving_van_het_heideveld_034.jpg{}#/media/File:Estrategista_fonográfico_conhece_a_nova_aala_de_Podcast_do_Youtube.jpg