What is this episode about?
In this episode of my fluent podcast, I am making a humble review of the book Virtually Native. Also, beware: this episode is strongly connected to E47 virtually native. Thus, I higly recommend you to have a listen to it as well.
In addition to that, of course, don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast! Because over there, I give away my language tips, for free. So, sign up!By the way my mother tongue is Swiss German and I am learning English, French and Spanish.
Vladimir’s Background and general Information
Vladimir Skenderoff is the author of “Virtually native” and is an English teacher as well.
According to virtuallynative.com:
As he was growing up in Bulgaria, Vladimir had very limited access to western culture and especially books, music, and movies from the USA and England.
- he started learning English seriously at age 27
- he started teaching English 3 years later
- he has a unique experience as both an adult learner (English, Russian, Japanese) and teacher of foreign languages.
- He has been teaching English since 2003 and so far given over 20,000 individual lessons to more than 2,100 people of different ages and all walks of life.
- He has also observed over 200 teachers and their students.
- His experience in adult language education is invaluable, and it’s all in his books and video courses. Everything he know about learning and teaching a foreign language, the English is in his books or in his courses.
Virtually native’s mission
Virtually Native attempts to help you become an Almost Native speaker of English using language tools and learning materials available Online.
Virtually means Almost
Virtual also means Online
My favorite Quotes
The amount of time and Money People waste because of bad advice or false beliefs is staggering
Pos 82 of 2257 Virtually Native

99% of you watching this video will not learn English 00:22 99% of you who have subscribed to a YouTube channel about learning English
Vladimir Skenderoff, 99.9% of you will never master English unless …
In my view, the episode showed above has reached cult status.
Which is your favourite video? Share with us ant write a comment below!
https://virtuallynative.com/ The book is available on https://virtuallynative.com/p/book
Virtually native: READING Silently or READING Out Loud
“You learn new information through English”
Wirtually native: my TOP 5 English Learner’s Dictionaries
My number 1 advise is for the language learner to use monolingual learner’s dictionaries
Wirtually native: Can I learn English alone at home by myself?
Sidewalk Chalk by Broke For Free is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Leaf/Broke_For_Free_-_Leaf_-_07_Sidewalk_Chalk
Only Instrumental by Broke For Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Contact: myfluentpodcast@gmail.com
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