Youglish is a very powerful tool when it comes to learning a language (not only pronunciation).
Youglish is on the rise! We’ll tell you what to look out in order to get the best out of it. For that, click on the audio player below or even better: subscribe! Besides, we will support you with additional info in this blog post.
Podcast episode about YouGlish (better pronunciation)
Download Episode 54

No magic bullet but big support
As always in the learning process, there is no magic bullet. The legwork has to be done! Nevertheless, Youglish will give you big support. By useing Youglish, you will get a lot of support in your language journey. But of course, you need to take a few things into account.
YouGlish covers the following languages
In the meantime, a lot of languages have been added The following languages are available:
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Portuguese
- Sign language etc.

How will Youglish help you to improve in your target language?
1. Better pronunciation
First of all, we strongly recommend to search for colloquations and not single words. By listening to different video clips, you will notice that people pronunce words differently. You will get used to the different variations and also learn how they are used in a sentence.
2. Get exposure to various dialects or different speach patterns
Getting exposure an thus learn how English or other languages are spoken by real people and in context. For instance, in English you are able to filter for:
- Australien English
- American English
- British English
2. Get the feeling of the language
By searching for various words or word chunks, you will automatically get more exposure to the language as you pay attention to the other spoken words, as well. We recommend that you safe the words in your account. Also try to immitate the word chunks and try to use them in daily life.
The benefits of YouGlish (Other Opinions)
Vladimir is Virtually Native
For example, Virtually Native made a review in one of his videos (see below). But, on My Fluent Podcast, we don’t completely share the same opinion. You may have a listen below or head over to episode 63 How do I speak clearly.
Facebook Group Youglish
Learn more what Youglish itself has to say and pay a visit to the Facebook site.

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